How do I redeem a promo code?
Please ensure you are logged into your Laser Clinics account to redeem this offer.
Step 1 - Add the treatment to your cart (please note purchase limits)
Step 2 - Enter promo code in cart to redeem offer.
How do I cancel my online account?
To cancel your online account please email your request to cancelmyaccount@laserclinics.com.au with your name, phone number and email address.
I prepaid for some sessions but I don’t need them. Can I get a refund?
As we are a franchise business, we have a 'no refund' policy for change of mind and they are non-transferable to other individuals, treatment areas, or clinics.
Please refer to our Cancellations and Refunds policy for more info. -
Will my prepaid sessions expire?
Yes. our prepay treatments have an expiry period. The standard expiry period for prepays is 12 months. If you purchase 10 or more treatments in a single order, there is an 18 months expiry period.
I have a complaint. How do I contact Head Office?
Please submit your query via our feedback form and we will have a member of the clinic team contact you shortly.
Issues with using the online account or buying online. What do I do?
Please email onlinesupport@laserclinics.com.au with the issue you are experiencing.
How to raise a query for an incorrect charge on my credit card as a result of an online purchase?
Please email refundrequest@laserclinics.com.au with your charge query/ issue.
What is the transfer policy if I move?
Our client prepaid transfer policy is that our prepaid treatments are non-refundable and non-transferrable. However, in very rare circumstances, it may be agreed between two clinics that a transfer of the remaining prepaids series may be in the best interest of the client and the overall LC brand.