Our continued commitment to client safety and hygiene

As the market leader of our industry, you can feel confident visiting our clinics.
Our ongoing COVID-19 Health Plan ensures that all of our clinics and team members are in compliance with the latest government guidelines as well as implementing additional measures to ensure the health and safety of our clients and clinic staff.
Our established Medical response team, including our Global Medical Director and Medical Commitee, provides additional guidance to our clinics and helps to address specific situations as required.
We remain committed to supporting all our clients and team members throughout this ever-changing time. We will continue to communicate with you during this period and provide updates as required.
Please stay safe, take care, and thank you for your continued support.
Laser Clinics Australia
Your Safety Is Our Highest Priority

We are committed to getting back to work while protecting the community and preventing the spread of COVID-19. Safety processes are in place at all of our clinics and we will be following all Government COVID guidelines.

Social Distancing
Please maintain social distancing whilst waiting for your treatment in the clinic. We also limit each treatment room to yourself and a staff member. For the safety of our community, we ask that you please attend your appointment alone.

Our team conducts thorough sanitation of all surfaces between each client visit. We also provide hand sanitiser for all of our clients to use when in our clinics.
Frequently Asked Questions
What COVID safety protocols are in place?
Our existing COVID-safe protocols and precautions will remain in place to further protect the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers.
Can I be treated at Laser Clinics if I have a Medical Exemption?
In the event a customer has a medical reason as to why they cannot receive a vaccination, they need to obtain a medical contraindication certificate from a medical practitioner (such as your doctor) who must use a form approved by the relevant state government health department, which they can share with you upon arrival to the clinic, or through the government check-in processes.
What is the transfer policy if I move?
Our client prepaid transfer policy is that our prepaid treatments are non-refundable and non-transferrable. However, in very rare circumstances, it may be agreed between two clinics that a transfer of the remaining prepaids series may be in the best interest of the client and the overall LC brand.