
What it takes to be a Laser Clinics Australia Franchisee

What it takes to be a Laser Clinics Australia Franchisee

Jodi’s book, The Pocket MBA, is the ultimate guide for women starting a business. It’s available to order via  https://www.jodicottle.com/.

From a senior manager in the corporate property world to a Laser Clinics franchisee, author and owner of the Tweed Heads clinic, Jodi Cottle tells us why she made the switch to our industry and why she wouldn’t want to change it for the world.

Thinking about franchising for us? Read on to learn more about Jodi’s story.

Tell us a bit about Jodi Cottle!

I’m Jodi, I live in the Gold Coast hills with my fiancé, nine-year-old son, and 75kg mastiff, Bric. I grew up on a farm in New Zealand in a tiny community called Koputaroa. I love pilates, taking Bric for walks and I’ve just written my second book while finishing renovations. It’s been a wild couple of months!  

Wow! What a huge achievement. What’s the book about?

Thank you! The Pocket MBA is a guide to developing and sustaining high-performing teams. I’ve always been fascinated by leadership and creating cohesive, inclusive workplaces. I’ve worked in so many different jobs – both good and bad - and I’ve always been intrigued by what makes a great culture. It was a topic I studied at university, and everything I learnt, I put into practice when I became a Laser Clinics franchisee. Over time, I’ve honed my management skills and I wanted to share them with every business owner out there. So, I put pen to paper. I really hope every Laser Clinics franchisee (and every small business owner) reads my book and finds nuggets of wisdom they can apply to their own business.



When did you become a Laser Clinics franchisee?

It was 2018, I had just moved to the Gold Coast, and I was sick and tired of the daily grind. My then role meant I was flying back and forth between Sydney. I was finding it impossible to juggle the chaos of work and responsibilities as a mum. I’d spent my entire career climbing the corporate ladder and frankly, I was exhausted. I wanted to be my own boss. At times during my corporate career, I was disadvantaged by choosing motherhood, but joining the Laser Clinics family allowed me to escape these constraints. I enjoy working on my terms, leading a team of women, and helping other women feel their best.

Would you say owning your own Laser Clinics franchise has changed your life?

Completely. I would call it a total transformation. I now have complete control over my working hours meaning I can enjoy a healthy work-life balance. I still earn a comfortable living while having the time to attend every swimming carnival and every school assembly. I’m happier, less stress, and more balanced. This has allowed me to succeed professionally, winning Laser Clinics Australia’s ‘2021 Franchisee of the Year’ after just two years of business. It’s also given me plenty more time to write, which is something I love!

What do you love most about running your own business?

Leading a wonderful group of women and developing them into the next generation of leaders. And the freedom! I now make sure I’m always there for my family.

What do you love most about being part of the Laser Clinics family?

The operations are slick – from customer experience to marketing and everything in between. There’s someone to support you every step of the way. The culture is phenomenal. I love that I am part of a network of like-minded people. And I love the brand. Laser Clinics is a market leader that brings previously out-of-reach treatments to women across the country. Who doesn’t want to help other women feel amazing!

What are three things every Laser Clinics franchisee should know?

  1. Be clear on your values – this should guide everything you do. From the team you hire to how you run the clinic. If everyone is on the same page, you’ll be amazed at how productivity will increase.
  2. It’s all about your team! Team cohesion is everything. It may take time to develop (it took me 18 months), but once you have your core, trusted team, the right culture will follow.
  3. If you get the opportunity, be the clinic manager yourself. Learn everything from rosters to stocktake, the booking system, orders, performance reviews, and even maintenance. Turn over every stone there is to turn, so when you do finally have a manager reporting to you, you are teaching them the best practice from your own experience.

Click here for more information on joining Laser Clinics Australia and its award-winning franchising network.

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