
Laser Hair Removal FAQs Answered: Everything You Need to Know

by Laser Clinics Team on May 21, 2023

Laser Hair Removal FAQs Answered: Everything You Need to Know

Are you seeking a more convenient and permanent way to remove unwanted hair? After years of plucking, shaving or waxing, you may consider Laser Hair Removal to eliminate unwanted hair permanently. 

In this blog, Laser Clinics Australia answers the most common questions about Laser Hair Removal to help you evaluate if this treatment is for you.


  • Is Laser Hair Removal worth the cost?

Laser Hair Removal costs vary depending on the treatment area and how many sessions you may need. Although it can be expensive compared to other hair removal methods, its long-term result saves you money, time and effort in the long run. When considering the money you spend on razors, tweezers, or monthly waxing or threading sessions, laser hair removal is worth the cost. 


  • When is the best time to start Laser Hair Removal?

The best time to start Laser Hair Removal is fall or winter. The cooler seasons are perfect because it will be easier for you to avoid sun exposure. During your laser hair removal treatment, your skin becomes sensitive and more susceptible to sun damage, so avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen is essential. Your skin should be free of sunburn, tan, and artificial tanning products. 


  • Is Laser Hair Removal safe?

Laser Hair Removal is generally safe when performed by an experienced and trained professional. However, like any other skin procedure, some risks are associated with it, including burns, scarring, and others. It’s best to choose a clinic that uses medical-grade technology to ensure the procedure's safety. 


  • Does Laser Hair Removal hurt?

Laser Hair Removal is virtually painless compared to waxing or electrolysis. Most patients describe their treatment with a feeling of slight tingling or, in particularly sensitive areas such as the upper lip, it may feel like a rubber band snap on the skin. 


If you want to learn more about Laser Hair Removal, contact the experts at Laser Hair Removal Australia. Our trusted team of experienced Therapists will create a tailored treatment plan for you. We perform over half a million Laser Hair Removal treatments every year using our medical-grade technology. It is designed for sensitive skin with a built-in cooling system to reduce the heat sensation on the skin and minimise any discomfort. 

Start your journey to smooth, silky, hair-free skin - book your complimentary consultation today